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   ██                                                                       ██
  █▌             -   SNOW - HIDE MESSAGES IN A TEXT FILE   -                 █▌
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 █                                 /\                                         ▐▌
 █                            __   \/   __                                    ▐▌
 █                            \_\_\/\/_/_/                                    ▐▌
 █       \__    __/             _\_\/_/_                                      ▐▌
 █       /_/ /\ \_\            __/_/\_\__         __    __                    ▐▌
 █      __ \ \/ / __          /_/ /\/\ \_\       /_/ /\ \_\                   ▐▌
 █      \_\_\/\/_/_/               /\           __ \ \/ / __                  ▐▌
 █  __/\___\_\/_/___/\__           \/           \_\_\/\/_/_/                  ▐▌
 █    \/ __/_/\_\__ \/                        /\___\_\/_/___/\                ▐▌
 █      /_/ /\/\ \_\                          \/ __/_/\_\__ \/                ▐▌
 █       __/ /\ \__                             /_/ /\/\ \_\     _\/\/_       ▐▌
 █       \_\ \/ /_/          __/  \__            __/ /\ \__     _\_\/_/_      ▐▌
 █       /        \           _\/\/_             \_\ \/ /_/      /_/\_\       ▐▌
 █                          \_\_\/_/_/                            /\/\        ▐▌
 █                          / /_/\_\ \                                        ▐▌
 █                           __/\/\__                                         ▐▌
 █                             \  /                                           ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ (Snowflakes ASCII art by itz aka Ilmarin Karonen.)                         ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ "SNOW (Steganographic Nature Of Whitespace) is a program for concealing    ▐▌
 █ messages in text files by appending tabs and spaces on the end of lines,   ▐▌
 █ and for extracting messages from files containing hidden messages. Tabs    ▐▌
 █ and spaces are invisible to most text viewers, hence the steganographic    ▐▌
 █ nature of this encoding scheme. And if the built-in encryption is used,    ▐▌
 █ the message cannot be read even if it is detected."                        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Download the latest version of SNOW from here. It's available for most     ▐▌
 █ OSes; Linux, DOS and even a Java applet.                                   ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ I have a text file HERE that has an encrypted secret message in it.        ▐▌
 █ Even this HTML page you are reading has an encrypted secret message in it. ▐▌
 █ Save the text file or this page; right click 'this' and save as if you     ▐▌
 █ want to decrypt it.                                                        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ LINUX:                                                                     ▐▌
 █ ``````                                                                     ▐▌
 █ Prerequisite is GCC to compile SNOW (aptitude install gcc) or Java to use  ▐▌
 █ the Java applet then you don't need to compile it.                         ▐▌
 █ Check for latest version then download it:                                 ▐▌
 █ wget                  ▐▌
 █ tar xvzf snow-20130616.tar.gz && cd snow-20130616                          ▐▌
 █ Compile it, then you are done: make                                        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ WINDOWS:                                                                   ▐▌
 █ ````````                                                                   ▐▌
 █ Download the DOS or Java version, unzip it. I'm using the DOS 32bit v.     ▐▌
 █ Launch a command prompt window: Press the Windows logo key on your         ▐▌
 █ keyboard +r to launch Run, then type in the 'Open' drop down window: cmd   ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Change to the directory containing SNOW.EXE; for example if it is on D     ▐▌
 █ drive type in and press enter: D:                                          ▐▌
 █ cd D:\Downloads\snwdos32\                                                  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ USAGE:                                                                     ▐▌
 █ ``````                                                                     ▐▌
 █ To conceal the message 'my secret message' with the password 'OpenSesame'  ▐▌
 █ using the file 'infile' and create 'outfile' with the hidden message:      ▐▌
 █ ./snow -C -m "my secret message" -p "OpenSesame" infile outfile            ▐▌
 █ Window users remove './' from the command line.                            ▐▌
 █ Reply might be similar to, if message is long on a small file:             ▐▌
 █ Compressed by 40.83%                                                       ▐▌
 █ Message exceeded available space by approximately 21.37%.                  ▐▌
 █ An extra 1 lines were added.                                               ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ To decrypt the hidden message:                                             ▐▌
 █ ./snow -C -p "OpenSesame" outfile                                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ So for example:                                                            ▐▌
 █ To decrypt my text file above or this page, put either file in the same    ▐▌
 █ directory as snow (or state full path to the file) then:                   ▐▌
 █ ./snow -C -p "mewbies" snow_example_encrypted.txt                          ▐▌
 █ or                                                                         ▐▌
 █ ./snow -C -p "mewbies" how_to_conceal_a_message_in_a_text_file.htm         ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ For more information SNOW's manual is here.                                ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ LINUX SYSTEM WIDE USAGE:                                                   ▐▌
 █ ````````````````````````                                                   ▐▌
 █ If you want to have SNOW available system wide:                            ▐▌
 █ su                                                                         ▐▌
 █ cp snow /usr/local/bin/snow                                                ▐▌
 █ exit                                                                       ▐▌
 █ cd ~                                                                       ▐▌
 █ rm snow-20130616 -rf                                                       ▐▌
 █ wget                ▐▌
 █ snow -C -m "mewbies hidden easter egg is at" -p   ▐▌
 █ "mewbies" snow_example.txt snow_example_encrypted.txt                      ▐▌
 █ snow -C -p "mewbies" snow_example_encrypted.txt                            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ WINDOWS SYSTEM WIDE USAGE:                                                 ▐▌
 █ ``````````````````````````                                                 ▐▌
 █ If you would like to use SNOW without having to change to its directory    ▐▌
 █ you only need to:                                                          ▐▌
 █ 1. Place snow.exe where you want to use it permanently.                    ▐▌
 █ 2. Then follow my tutorial 'How To Set Environment Variables'.             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ //----------------------------------------------------------------------   ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you find mistakes, have suggestions, and or questions please post at    ▐▌
 █ mewbies forum HERE - thank you.                                            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Last update on 26 Dec '13                                                  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
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