Though iPad doesn't have a phone feature Viber and WhatsApp still can work on an iPad.

Viber does not have an iPad app (I think this is Apple related not Viber) so we are going to install the iPhone app on our iPad treating it as a mobile device for Viber's activation (until an app or patch is made that treats iPad as a non-mobile like it does with a Mac or Win).
1. Do not use the same phone number to register Viber that is already running Viber: Viber will not work on two mobile devices with the same phone number.
2. One Viber account on multiple devices is supported as in one mobile device and one NON-mobile device such as a desktop computer; Mac or Win. (If you want to install it on your Mac or Win, it must first be installed on your mobile, read here how and the links to download it. Your contacts will be synched from your last install on your mobile (not previously removed installs). Once you install it on your computer Viber will send an activation code to your mobile through Viber (not SMS).) (Win it installs here C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Viber\)
3. If you are using Viber on another mobile device you will need a new phone number to activate it on your iPad. If you use the same phone number that you use Viber on another device; that device's Viber will be immediately deactivated and all its data will be deleted from your device.
You can use any phone number, even a land line to activate it either by receiving an SMS or selecting the options in Viber to receive the code by automated telephone call; select option No Code > Get Code; you have only two tries to receive an automated call within 24 hours. Land line numbers don't always work; I had written to Viber support requesting they try to automate call me as I never received a call; they never did nor any reply. I ended up using a disposable mobile number to activate mine.
INSTALL VIBER ON iPAD: Search on the App Store for Viber then click 'iPhone Only' tab or it won't show (if using an iPad).
Install it, launch it, click selection to push notifications. Then click OK to incompatible error message. Enter a phone number to register it and receive the verification code either by SMS to that number or by automated call. Enter the activation code in. Done.
WhatsApp doesn't support iPad so we'll do a few steps to have it working nicely.
WhatsApp can be used with one phone number per account. You cannot have simultaneously the same account (same phone number) on different devices. If you use a phone number that has an existing WhatsApp installed on it; WhatsApp will be deactivated and wiped out once it is verified on a different device, just like Viber. WhatsApp can be backed up and restored, search here how.
It is possible though to have two WhatsApp accounts (two different phone numbers) on the same device; start here. This is handy when like me you have two SIM cards in one phone (Samsung Duos).
IMPORTANT NOTES - can skip to install WhatsApp below if you have a fresh new mobile number not using WhatsApp already:
1. You'll need any mobile phone number that isn't using WhatsApp to receive an SMS with the code to activate your WhatsApp or a landline number (if the format is like a mobile phone like in US or it won't work) to activate by automated call; after 5 minutes of WhatsApp trying SMS it will then offer Voice verification method. Voice verification did not work for me; WhatsApp replied "The phone number you entered is not a valid mobile number for * (that country)".
2. Furthermore I do not advise using a pre-paid card (disposable number) to obtain a new number and let the card expire, once that phone number is reissued to a new user and if they install WhatsApp your account will immediately be deactivated and it might be possible that they are offered to restore previous chat history from their Cloud (Viber does not have this service) to this strangers new number.
3. Since I'm already using WhatsApp on my mobile phone I used a friend's mobile number to do this on my iPad.
You retrieve that code and enter it into your iPad's WhatsApp. Do NOT click on the link in the SMS to verify the code as that verifies the device. Keep in mind though that if you borrowed a phone number to activate your WhatsApp anyone with that same number in their contacts will show that person as having WhatsApp and you'll be the recipient of their messages.
A. Download and install 'iPhone Configuration Utility' for either Mac or Win.
B. Download WhatsApp using iTunes; click here, then click View in iTunes (click Free to download it), it will forward you to your country's store.
C. Connect your iPad to your PC and unlock it.
Launch 'iPhone Configuration Utility'.
On the left pane under 'DEVICES' click your device's name (this is not the 'Devices' under Library) > then click on 'Applications' tab (main UI window) > click 'Add' (top left) then browse to the WhatsApp*.ipa file you downloaded; if you haven't changed iTunes default location to save files it should be here:
Mac: ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications/
Win: C:\Users\Username\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Mobile Applications\
If it isn't showing click on the drop down window 'Files of type' and select 'Mobile Application (.ipa)'.
Once you have selected it, it will be loaded into the main UI window with the other apps. Next to WhatsApp listing click Install.
D. WhatsApp icon will now be on your SpringBoard; don't launch it yet.
Launch Cydia and install 'WhatsPad' by L33; this is the tweak to enable WhatsApp to run on an iPad.
You'll be prompted to respring your SpringBoard. You can now use WhatsApp.
You will be prompted to enter the 6 digit PIN for activation that WhatsApp has sent to the phone number you registered with.
If you want to use WhatsApp on your PC, You will still need a separate phone number, install an Android emulator such as BlueStacks AppPlayer (free while in beta) or YouWave ($14.99). Then download WhatsApp Android file to your PC.
BlueStacks: If .apk files are associated with BlueStacks just double click on it to load it into BlueStacks then double click on the WhatsApp icon. If .apk files aren't associated with it then in Windows right click on the .apk file > Open > Select the program from a list > click Browse > then browse to C:\Program Files\BlueStacks\HD-ApkHandler.exe and select it to open the .apk file.
YouWave: Top menu Help > Instructions > find the current directory for your Android apps > copy WhatsApp.apk to it > View > Redraw Icons > then under Applications database double click on the WhatsApp icon.
If you have Skype, Viber and WhatsApp already installed there is 'Appfront'on Cydia which combines all three into one application.
If you find mistakes, have suggestions, and or questions please post at mewbies forum HERE - thank you.
Last update on 10 Mar '14