MEWBIES@: Facebook Twitter G+ YouTube DeviantArt Forum Wall
██ ██
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█ ▐▌
█ .-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-. ▐▌
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█ ▐▌
█ the most psychoid ▐▌
█ and the cool lam3rz Group IRCnet ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ `-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=tCl=-' ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Thank you to the peeps at psyBNC forum for always being very helpful. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ "psyBNC is an easy-to-use, multi-user, permanent IRC-Bouncer with many ▐▌
█ features. It compiles on Linux, FreeBSD, SunOs and Solaris." ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ psyBNC installs on a shell and basically acts as a proxy server for IRC ▐▌
█ and keeps your connection to the server alive 24/7. So even if you aren't ▐▌
█ online in iRC your nick is still there as if you are. You can add other ▐▌
█ users to your psyBNC and have multiple servers. Doing this would still be ▐▌
█ only one task running in your shell, but not one background task. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ ```````````````````` ▐▌
█ You'll need an SSH program to login to your account. If you have one and ▐▌
█ know how to use it skip this section. If not this tutorial will use for ▐▌
█ the SSH program `VanDyke SecureCRT' HERE as that is what I'm use to. They ▐▌
█ offer a 30-day trial. You could use any SSH program, only `setup account' ▐▌
█ steps below will be different menus than in this tut. Another one of my ▐▌
█ favorite SSH programs is PuTTY HERE - freeware, tiny, portable- though it ▐▌
█ places its data (saved sessions, SSH host keys)in the registry. (To save, ▐▌
█ export, and or remove PuTTy's data from the registry see HERE.) ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ `````````````` ▐▌
█ Open SeucreCRT ▐▌
█ Select: Connect (1st button from left) / New Session (3rd button from ▐▌
█ left) ▐▌
█ Name: As you like ▐▌
█ Protocol: SSH2 (different host might have different protocol) ▐▌
█ Hostname, enter your shell's host IP e.g. ▐▌
█ Port: 22 ▐▌
█ Once connected you will be prompted for your user name and pass, enter ▐▌
█ those and select save if don't want to enter those every time logging in. ▐▌
█ Change your password, enter: passwd ▐▌
█ You will be prompted twice to enter new password. You won't be able to see ▐▌
█ it or even see the cursor move. Do not use simple passwords! ▐▌
█ ex no: blackcoffee ex yes: B|a()k_-c0f33 ▐▌
█ Choose a vhost you would like to use for your bnc, enter: vhost ▐▌
█ Hit enter key to scroll the complete list, find the one you like, make a ▐▌
█ note of it. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ `````````````````` ▐▌
█ Enter the cmds (commands) as below except change the home path to yours. ▐▌
█ Type in each line, hit enter, wait for each cmd to finish before ▐▌
█ proceeding to the next. ▐▌
█ Follow these cmds below for easy setup and not the order you are prompted ▐▌
█ for. ▐▌
█ enter: cd ~ (changes current directory to root of your shell) ▐▌
█ enter: wget ▐▌
█ *Check psybnc site and HERE first for the latest version (psyBNC-2.4BETA1).▐▌
█ *NOTE: At the time of this tut there is v2.3.2.9 but I have found it to ▐▌
█ have problem's' with Multiple Networks. There is a patch, but I have not ▐▌
█ tried it yet HERE. ▐▌
█ enter: tar -zxvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz (this will un-compress it) ▐▌
█ enter: cd psybnc OR cd /home/user/psybnc (to enter the directory that ▐▌
█ you un-tar'ed everything to) *Note: /user/ would be replaced with ▐▌
█ your own account name. ▐▌
█ enter: make menuconfig ▐▌
█ use: right arrow key /exit/ hint enter/ (takes you out of that menu) ▐▌
█ enter: make ▐▌
█ enter: pico psybnc.conf (`pico' is the shells file editor, use arrow keys ▐▌
█ to navigate, right click to instantly paste) ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ It will have this: ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ PORT: ▐▌
█ Top line showing this: PSYBNC.SYSTEM.PORT1=31337 ▐▌
█ Change it to for ex: PSYBNC.SYSTEM.PORT1=49979 ▐▌
█ The default port for psybnc is 31337, for security you must change ▐▌
█ it to whatever you like using only ports 30000-60000. (A minority of ▐▌
█ shell companies may have a smaller range or different range of ports ▐▌
█ allowed; check with your shell host if you aren't sure.) ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ SSL: ▐▌
█ 2nd line showing this: PSYBNC.SYSTEM.HOST1=* ▐▌
█ Optional: If you want SSL change to: PSYBNC.SYSTEM.HOST1=S=* ▐▌
█ (This creates a SSL-encrypted listening socket.) ▐▌
█ If that line isn't there; type or paste it in. ▐▌
█ Linux lowercase and uppercase are not the same. ▐▌
█ Example: s is not the same as S ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ DCC: ▐▌
█ Yes you can dcc on psybnc, don't believe those they say you can't :p ▐▌
█ Add this line if not there already: PSYBNC.SYSTEM.DCCHOST=12.346.456.88 ▐▌
█ replace that IP with the IP of your vhost that you are going to use. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Hit ctrl-x to exit file, type Y /enter to save (N /enter to cancel). ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ To finish enabling dcc make a directory path in your psybnc directory ▐▌
█ /home/user/psybnc/downloads/USER1/ ▐▌
█ for example: ▐▌
█ mkdir -p /downloads/USER1 ▐▌
█ USER1 will be you in the psybnc.conf. If you add other users to the bnc ▐▌
█ you will need to create a directory for them as well: USER2, etc. See ▐▌
█ psybnc.conf to find out which USER number they have been assigned. ▐▌
█ then instead of using: /dccget .... ▐▌
█ use:/quote dccget ...... ▐▌
█ This will send the file to your shell. From there login to your shell to ▐▌
█ download it. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ *You could also download psybnc.conf to your box and manually edit it in ▐▌
█ Word Pad etc (instead of pico). If you do it this way: ▐▌
█ 1. Keep a copy of original just in case, which is always a good idea every ▐▌
█ so often in case shell goes down. ▐▌
█ 2. When uploading new file, delete old one first- sometimes it will just ▐▌
█ merge with old one and not truly over-write it. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ ``````````````` ▐▌
█ You need to move the file 'salt.h' (file containing the encryption keys) ▐▌
█ to a safe place: ▐▌
█ mkdir backup | mv salt.h ~/psybnc/backup ▐▌
█ If you skip this step each time you login to your psyBNC you'll be ▐▌
█ prompted "WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place" ▐▌
█ If you ever need to recompile your psyBNC you must be move salt.h back ▐▌
█ first or it will create a new one (new keys) and psyBNC will not be able ▐▌
█ to decrypt your existing user passwords, channel keys, etc. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ `````````` ▐▌
█ enter (if not already there): cd /home/user/psybnc ▐▌
█ enter: ./psybnc ▐▌
█ Done! Your bnc has started. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ ````````````````````` ▐▌
█ enter: ps x (shows all process's alive) ▐▌
█ to kill/stop a process, enter: kill -15 **** (* = corresponding number to ▐▌
█ the process; `pid') ▐▌
█ enter: ps -U username (shows all process' you are running) ▐▌
█ enter: help (generally will show your host's information and offerings. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ `````````````````` ▐▌
█ Open new mIRC, don't connect; setup a new entry to connect to: ▐▌
█ Tools/Options/Connect/Servers/Add/ ▐▌
█ Description: as you like ▐▌
█ IRC Server: your shell host IP ▐▌
█ Port: bnc port (the same one you entered during install) ▐▌
█ Password: Same as your shell pass ▐▌
█ Hit Add, Connect. ▐▌
█ *This is assuming you have already added your name & ident in mIRC, ▐▌
█ If not: mIRC/Tools/Options/Connect: ▐▌
█ Full Name: Your login name. ▐▌
█ Email Address: ▐▌
█ Nickname: Name you want to use on IRC (some networks maximum 9 characters, ▐▌
█ can't begin with a number) ▐▌
█ Alternative: Another name in case that name is in use by another already ▐▌
█ Tools/Options/Connect/Identd: ▐▌
█ Check `Enable Identd server' ▐▌
█ User ID: Your.ident ▐▌
█ System: UNIX ▐▌
█ Port: 113 ▐▌
█ Check `Show Identd requests' (this is useful to see if you are having ▐▌
█ ident problems). ▐▌
█ Check `Enable only when connecting'. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ *Note: At times you might get disconnected from your bnc. mIRC then will ▐▌
█ automatically try to reconnect you, if it can't it will try the next ▐▌
█ server in it's list- which will then connect you to a standard ▐▌
█ mIRC server, naked, without your bnc! ▐▌
█ To disable this: mIRC/Tools/Connect/Options/Retry/ un-check `Try next ▐▌
█ server in group'/ click OK / OK ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ `````````````````````````` ▐▌
█ These cmds are for mIRC. To do the same with IRC programs like IRSSI ▐▌
█ precede all cmds with 'quote', ex: /quote setusername Here ▐▌
█ Once connected to your psybnc, psybnc welcome window will open. Enter: ▐▌
█ /setusername Here ▐▌
█ /setawaynick _Here_ ▐▌
█ /bvhost Here (the one you made a note of) ▐▌
█ /addserver server:port ▐▌
█ If the server requires a password: /addserver server:port password ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ You can add up to 9 servers, use all 9 in case the others don't work for ▐▌
█ you. psybnc will automatically try next servers you have entered. ▐▌
█ To use SSL servers, the server it self must support it. ▐▌
█ Efnet's SSL port is 9999. ▐▌
█ Linknet's SSL port is 7000. ▐▌
█ Linknet's server list HERE ▐▌
█ Efnet's server list HERE ▐▌
█ Freenode's server list HERE ▐▌
█ For example on Efnet's list is: - ipv6 - ssl - 729 users ▐▌
█ To use an SSL server it would be: /addserver ▐▌
█ Once connected to a server you can get a complete list of servers by ▐▌
█ entering: /links or /linknet ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ IF when you are trying to connect to a server and keep receiving ▐▌
█ 'disconnected from server' error: ▐▌
█ <-psyBNC> Thu Dec 6 13:25:44 :User Doggy (l) trying port 7000 (your.vhost).
█ <-psyBNC> Thu Dec 6 13:25:44 :User Doggy got disconnected from server. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Try changing your vhost. This might not be the reason but if you are sure ▐▌
█ your other settings are correct this has easily fixed it for me. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ ``````````` ▐▌
█ /bhelp (full list of psybnc cmds including these) ▐▌
█ /bconnect (if still not connected) ▐▌
█ /bquit (to kill IRC connection) ▐▌
█ /jump (to activate changes, change servers) ▐▌
█ /listservers (show servers you have added) ▐▌
█ /delserver (to remove a server) ▐▌
█ /brehash (to kill and restart bnc) ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ `````````````````` ▐▌
█ If you want to be on multiple networks at the same time, one instance of ▐▌
█ your IRC program running, very easy. For example you are on are efnet ▐▌
█ already and want to go to linknet. Set up a new network, same as you ▐▌
█ did with efnet, except we will call it `l' for example. l for linknet, ▐▌
█ you can call it anything you like but keep it short as you will need to ▐▌
█ type this name for cmds. ▐▌
█ enter: /addnetwork l ▐▌
█ All cmds now must be followed by: l' ▐▌
█ enter: /bvhost l'your.vhost ▐▌
█ enter: /addserver l' ▐▌
█ Or for SSL: /addserver l' ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ ``````````````````````` ▐▌
█ All cmds to go to this server will be followed with l' ▐▌
█ for example: /msg l'mewbies ▐▌
█ or /join l'#mewb ▐▌
█ or /jump l' ▐▌
█ or /bconnect l' ... you get the idea ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ `````````` ▐▌
█ The default of the amount of users you can add to your psybnc is 50. If ▐▌
█ you want to change that amount: ▐▌
█ pico config.h ▐▌
█ edit to the amount you want under: MAXUSER ▐▌
█ Note most shell companies; each user will count as 1 process. Meaning that ▐▌
█ if you bought a shell with 2 process's you are allowed by the shell ▐▌
█ company to add only 1 more user. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ In mIRC enter: ▐▌
█ The name that you add a user is the login name that they must enter in ▐▌
█ their mIRC under `Full Name'. This does not need to be their IRC nick. For ▐▌
█ security it's better to not use the same name; don't give away a piece of ▐▌
█ the puzzle to a hacker. ▐▌
█ /adduser ▐▌
█ /password Ident :pass ▐▌
█ /addallow ▐▌
█ example: ▐▌
█ /adduser mewmew :mewbie ▐▌
█ /password mewmew :99)Ikxy55tYg0JkM-(_K ▐▌
█ /addallow ▐▌
█ /addallow mewmew@81.177.*.* ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ -If you want the user to be able to dcc you'll need to do the dcc steps ▐▌
█ for them, entering their vhost. ▐▌
█ -Keep track of the vhost that are being used in your account, inform any ▐▌
█ new user you add to not use those as you don't want to get banned for ▐▌
█ cloning. ▐▌
█ -Then give your users the instructions from above `SETUP BNC ON mIRC' to ▐▌
█ `OTHER CMDS' to carry out. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Remember to do: /bhelp to have a complete list of psybnc cmds :D ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ ````````````````` ▐▌
█ If you want your psybnc to run automatically even after a reboot it's ▐▌
█ simple- just a few steps are involved. We will make a 'bash script' and ▐▌
█ 'crontab' it. This will check every 10 minutes if it is running, if not ▐▌
█ it will start it for you: ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ First find the location of your bash: ▐▌
█ which bash ▐▌
█ My reply is: /bin/bash so that will be the path in the top line of the the ▐▌
█ bash script. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Then to find something unique in psybnc's process name - something that ▐▌
█ isn't in your other processes. This will show your current running ▐▌
█ processes: ▐▌
█ ps x ▐▌
█ For example reply might be: ▐▌
█ 2052 ? Sl 17:41 ./eggdrop Bot1.conf ▐▌
█ 18526 ? Sl 0:14 ./eggdrop Bot2.conf ▐▌
█ 2239 ? S 0:21 ./psybnc ▐▌
█ 24395 ? R 0:00 sshd: user@pts/3 ▐▌
█ 24396 pts/3 Rs 0:00 -bash ▐▌
█ 24419 pts/3 R+ 0:00 ps x ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ I'll choose the word 'psybnc' ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ OK Lets create a bash script for it, using our unique words for 'SERVICE': ▐▌
█ cd ~ ▐▌
█ pico (this file doesn't exist yet, name it you ▐▌
█ like) ▐▌
█ paste in - changing all to your correct path: ▐▌
if /bin/ps ax | /bin/grep -v /bin/grep | /bin/grep $SERVICE > /dev/null
echo "$SERVICE service running, everything is fine"
█ ▐▌
█ Now set the perms on your new file: ▐▌
█ chmod 744 ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Kill psybnc if it's running: ▐▌
█ kill -15 [its pid number] ▐▌
█ (If that didn't kill it then use kill -9 [its pid number] ▐▌
█ Test the bash script it works correctly: ▐▌
█ ./ ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ If all went well kill it again so we can test crontab: ▐▌
█ kill -15 [its pid number] ▐▌
█ This will make crontab run the * every 10 minutes. Where ever ▐▌
█ you pico/created your bash script is its path- you need to have the ▐▌
█ correct full path. Create a crontab: ▐▌
█ crontab -e ▐▌
█ Paste in, below the other crontab jobs if there are any: ▐▌
█ 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /home/user/ >/dev/null 2>&1 ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ It will reply: crontab: installing new crontab ▐▌
█ Wait 10 minutes and then see if it's running: ▐▌
█ ps x ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ To list all your crontab jobs: crontab -l ▐▌
█ To remove 'all' your crontab jobs: crontab -r ▐▌
█ To remove only certain jobs of course do: crontab -e ▐▌
█ then remove them. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ ```````````````````````````````` ▐▌
█ There is also an existing script to do this for you, but be warned it ▐▌
█ removed all my other crontabs I had set - so only use this if it's your ▐▌
█ first crontab you are setting and/or you don't have other crontabs set ▐▌
█ already: ▐▌
█ cd to your psybnc directory: cd /home/user/psybnc ▐▌
█ then: wget ▐▌
█ then: chmod +x createcrontab ▐▌
█ then run the script: ./createcrontab ▐▌
█ To check it, enter: crontab -l ▐▌
█ If all is good it will reply: 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /home/user/psybnc/psybncchk >/dev/null
█ ▐▌
█ ``````````` ▐▌
█ psybnc keeps its log here: ~/log/psybnc.log ▐▌
█ It is already setup to rotate; it will rename the present log to ▐▌
█ psybnc.log.old and create a new psybnc.log. ▐▌
█ For help on log variables type into your IRC window: /bhelp ▐▌
█ To view your mainlog: ▐▌
█ To erase it: ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ If you would like your psybnc.log cleared more frequently use a timed cmd ▐▌
█ in your IRC client to erase the log at x dates. Problem with this is if ▐▌
█ you don't remember to view the log before x date you'll have no chance of ▐▌
█ doing so once the cmd is executed. ▐▌
█ For timed mIRC commands view the article HERE, scroll down to: /timer ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ TIP: ▐▌
█ ```` ▐▌
█ Your eggdrop/bot could also use psyBNC, see HERE how. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ //---------------------------------------------------------------------- ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ If you find mistakes, have suggestions, and or questions please post at ▐▌
█ mewbies forum HERE - thank you. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Last update on 06 Dec '13 ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█▌ █▌
█▌ - - █▌
█▌ █▌