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Thanks to Erik Kastner for 'Highlite' from GitHub. Browsers; This works best in Firefox. It also works in Opera, Chrome, Safari and Comodo though it does show the text behind the image. It does not work in IE. With your cursor highlight the text below:
There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden i
mage here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highligh
t this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view
it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidd
en image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. High
light this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to
view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a
hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here.
Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text
to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There i
s a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image he
re. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this
text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.The
re is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden imag
e here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight t
his text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it
.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden
image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlig
ht this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to vie
w it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hid
den image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Hig
hlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to
view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a
hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here.
Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this tex
t to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There
is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image h
ere. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this
text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.Th
ere is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden ima
ge here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight
this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view i
t.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden
image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highli
ght this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to vi
ew it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hi
dden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Hi
ghlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text t
o view it.There is a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is
a hidden image here. Highlight this text to view it.There is a hidden image here
CREATE YOUR OWN Copy / paste the code (click Get Code after) onto your own HTML page:

If you find mistakes, have suggestions, and or questions please post at mewbies forum HERE - thank you.

Last update 24 Dec '13

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