+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CHANGELOG for 'HOW TO INSTALL P.O.R. - PROJECT OLDSKOOL REVENGE FOR GLFTPD' | | http://mewbies.com/ | | how_to_install_p.o.r._project.oldskool.revenge_tutorial.htm | | and all related files. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Note: Minor changes such as correcting typos, format ect. will not be listed. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 Mar 2014 + Added under 'TROUBLE SHOOTING' section 'pordirlistupdater' item H. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 Mar 2014 + Added under 'CONNECT TO P.O.R. BBS': "site addip NAME *@" to your gl account if it isn't already. This is only for you (SysOp), not users. + Added new sub-topics under 'CONNECT TO P.O.R. BBS': NEW BBS USERS GLFTPD SITE COMMANDS ON THE BBS P (SITE) COMMANDS OUTPUT IN COLOR PF DIRECTORY LISTING + Added under 'COMPILE DAYDREAM': chmod 775 -R /home/bbs/display/iso + Added under 'CONNECT TO P.O.R. BBS' an image to demonstrate different terminal clients produce different colors (Java mouseover to view) + Added new sub-topic under 'TROUBLE SHOOTING': VIEW ANSI ART + Added under 'EDIT BBS DISPLAY FILES': '3. CONFERENCES:' to edit joinconference.gfx and .txt + Added new topic 'GROUP_DIZ_FILES' to explain usage of the included collection + Added new topic 'SYSOP COMMANDS' + Added new topic 'OUTSTANDING QUESTIONS' to share my unsolved enquiries + Created this changelog as 'how_to_install_p.o.r._project.oldskool.revenge_tutorial.htm' will be the official install doc included in future releases of P.O.R. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 Mar 2014 + Made public //---------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Mar 2014 + Finalized //---------------------------------------------------------------------- 03 Mar 2014 + Created