- 0.
- Refer to README or UPGRADE in root dd dir and skip the rest :)
- 1.
- type "make" in root dir.
- 2.
- Create user "bbs". (shell = compiled daydream executable).
- 3.
- Set environment variable DAYDREAM to point to bbs'es home dir.
(eg. export DAYDREAM=/home/bbs or setenv DAYDREAM /home/bbs)
- 4.
- Copy dirs questionnaiore, display and data to $DAYDREAM. Make sure
dirs+files belong to user "bbs".
- 5.
- edit daydream.cfg and compile it with utils/ddcfg. Most of the stuff
in daydream.cfg are introduced in the daydream.cfg and doesn't require
additional help if you own brains :)
- 6.
- Install protocols. Create $DAYDREAM/utils and copy ddrz, ddsz and
hydracom to it.
- 7.
- Try logging in as bbs.
- 8.
- First created user will get full sysop access, so you can use sysop
commands like usered :)
- data/
- Includes all the configuration and datafiles (like UserBase etc)
- batch/
- Includes logoff-batch files.
- utils/
- Includes DayDream BBS utilities.
- temp/
- Required for uploads.
- display/
- Contains most of the textfiles that are showed to the
user when he's cruising in the BBS.
- doors/
- Contains external program modules, commands,
games etc. that can be executed from the BBS.
- hold/
- Private uploads to the SysOp are placed in
- logfiles/
- Contains your logfiles.
This directory includes some conference-specific data, such as File
catalogs, list of free downloads, list of paths that are used to access
downloadable files etc.
- directory.XXX
- File-catalog of XXX - filearea.
- paths.dat
- This file is used to define directories that are
used for searching files. First line=Area 1 etc.
Amount of lines can be unlimited. If there are more
lines in this file than filedirectories in the
conference, rest of the lines are extra dl-paths.
- freedownloads.dat
- Contains list of Free downloads. Wildcards allowed.
NOTE! Global freedownloads can be specified in
- examine.dat
- Contains list of doors to be launched in upload-
checking after user has verified that upload is ok.
It can be used for conf top utils, if someone codes
Here's an example of examine.dat:
/home/bbs/doors/conftop %N
/home/bbs/doors/svenskatoppen %N
This directory includes bulletins, such as top uploader list or otherwise
useful information. Add .gfx or .txt suffix.
- bulletinmenu
- List of available bulletins
- bulletin.x
- Should be selfexplaining.
This directory contains the conference-specific textfiles displayed to the
user. If file is not found, it is searched from
$DAYDREAM/display/[Displaymode]/. Add .gfx or .txt suffix.
- commands
- List of commands.
- filecatalogs
- List of file-areas in the current conference.
- messagebases
- List of messagebases in the current conference.
- upload
- Showed to the user before uploading. Useful if you
want to show some upload-rules etc.
- download
- Showed to the user before downloading.
- conferencejoined
- Showed to the user when he/she joins the
- conferencepw
- Showed to the user before asking conference
- autorejoin
- Showed to the user after JoinConference.TXT in login..
Contains messages and their headers.
- msgbase.dat
- Headers of the messages in the current base.
- msgbase.lrp
- Autoscan and lastread pointers.
- msgXXXXX
- Standard messagefile.
Contains most of the textfiles that are showed to the user when he's
cruising in the BBS.
- autosigtop
- Shown when user launches autosig door, typically from
the "A"lter user info main menu command.
- accountfrozen
- Shown when user whose account has been frozen
tries to login.
- banner
- Shown before the login prompt.
- beforegoodbye
- Shown to the user when he/she enters G-command.
- commands
- List of available commands
- conferences
- List of available conferences
- download
- Shown to the user before download
- edituser
- Shown to the user when he/she's modifying account
- filecatalogs
- Shown to the user when he/she's listing files.
- goodbye
- Logoff screen
- linechaton
- Shown to the user when sysop enters chat mode.
- linechatoff
- Shown to the user when sysop exits chat mode.
- lineedcommands
- List of available commands in message-editor.
- morehelp
- Shown when user requests help in more-prompt.
- movefiles
- Shown before asking files to move.
- msgreadcommands
- List of available commands when reading messages.
- newuser
- Displayed to the user when he/she decides to create
a new account. Useful for rules etc.
- newuserpassword
- Shown to the user if he/she decides to create
new account and the system requires a New User
- passwordfailure
- Displayed to the user if he fails 3 times in
the password checking.
- protocolmenu
- List of available protocols.
- reg_realname
- Shown to the user before asking his/her real name
during the registration.
- reg_handle
- Shown to the user before asking his/her handle
during the registration.
- reg_zip+city
- Shown to the user before asking his/her Zipcode
during the registration.
- reg_voicenumber
- Shown to the user before asking his/her Voice
phone number during the registration.
- reg_password
- Shown to the user before asking his/her password
during the registration.
- reg_computermodel
- Shown to the user before asking his/her computer-
model during the registration.
- reg_screenlength
- Shown to the user before asking his/her Screen
length during the registration.
- scandatehelp
- Shown to the user when he requests help during
new file scan.
- systempassword
- Shown to the user before asking for the System
Password (if SystemPassword is enabled)
- upload
- Shown to the user before uploading.
- uploadcommands
- Commandlist on prompt requesting save etc.
- welcome
- Displayed to the user after logon.
- zippysearch
- Showed to the user if he/she didn't enter any
parameters for Z-command.
NOTE! Some of these files can be different for every security level. Eg.
Commands.255.GFX will be showed to the user if his/her access level is
- displaymodehelp.txt
- List of available display modes.
- strings.XXX
- Contains nearly all strings and prompts in BBS.
One string per line. It's possible to replace a
string with textfile by changing it to
"\a[textfile]". DD will look for [textfile].gfx/txt
from conference and global display dirs.
- boardclosed.txt
- If exists, DayDream will display this and
disconnect the user before logon.
- permanentlyaway.txt
- If exists, will be displayed to the user when
he/she requests chatting. Useful if you are ie. on
This directory contains some binary files which are generated by
ddcfg or DayDream itself. There's also some textfiles that can be
edited using Texteditor and they are:
- trashcan.dat
- List of names that are not allowed in the system.
Wildcards allowed.
- freedownloads.dat
- List of free downloads (all conferences).
Wildcards allowed.
- frontends.dat
- Contains list of doors to be launched before asking
displaymode from user.
Note that doors listed in here MUST be DDDP-doors.
If door uses changes displaymode using
intcommand "mode ??" or similar command, DD doesn't
ask for display mode.
- logindoors.dat
- Contains list of doors to be launched after showing
Welcome.TXT. Useful if you want to force a door to be
run on startup. (One can abort welcome.txt with
- logoffdoors.dat
- Optional file for running doors at logoff which
don't seem to get along with the batchX.logoff files.
This directory contains batch files. You must chmod +x them, so
daydream can execute then. Currently supported files are:
- batchX.logoff
- This will be executed everytime user leaves a BBS.
Useful, if you want to have up-to-date top users
list etc in your board etc.
X stands for node.
You can have the following control codes in your text files:
- ~#PA
- Pause (No text)
- ~#RE
- Any key to resume (Pause)
- ~#NM
- Turn more-prompts off
- Menu command
- ~#LF
- Remove linefeed/carriage return.
- ~#NC
- Disable codes for the rest of text (For security)
- ~#TF[FILE]|
- Show textfile
- ~#RA[FILE]|[max]|
- Show a random text file. [FILE] is the
prefix for the filename. After the prefix a random number between 1 and [max]
(inclusive) is appended. Note that the filenames cannot contain any suffix,
for example, the .gfx extension. The [max] parameter must be between 1
and 16777216 (inclusive).
- ~#RN
- Real name
- ~#HA
- Handle
- ~#OR
- Organization
- ~#LO
- Location
- ~#PH
- Voice Phone
- ~#SL
- Screen length
- ~#PR
- Protocol ID
- ~#SI
Upload Signature
- ~#CM
Computer Model
- ~#DA
Current Date
- ~#ID
User Id Number
- ~#DT
Daily Time
- ~#FC
First Date On
- ~#LC
Last Date On
- ~#OL
Online Baud
- ~#SE
Security Level
- ~#UB
Uploaded Bytes
- ~#UF
Uploaded Files
- ~#DB
Downloaded Bytes
- ~#DF
Downloaded Files
- ~#BA
Bytes Avail
- ~#FA
Files Avail
- ~#MP
Messages Posted
- ~#TC
Times Called
- ~#PG
Sysop Pages Remaining
- ~#CN
Conf. name
- ~#CU
Conf. number
- ~#ML
Max lines in file descriptions
DayDream main prompt has special control codes too. Main prompt is located
at the line 296 of strings.XXX. Codes are:
- ~~
Print ~-char
- ~A
Last read pointer
- ~C
Conference name
- ~E
Highest message
- ~L
Message base number
- ~M
Message base name
- ~N
Conference number
- ~T
Time left in minutes
- ~B
Node number
- ~S
BBS Name
Doors that are declared in "daydream.cfg", can be given a number of
optional parameters. Some special tokens are interpreted as follows:
- %N
The number of the current node
- %R
User's real name
- %H
User's handle
- %O
User's organization
- %Z
User's Zipcode
- %S
User's current security level