These docs desperately need to be updated! DD-Echo works fine! WARNING! Fidonet support is in ALPHA-stage. DD supports ONLY echomail. Netmail is NOT supported yet.

1 Requirements

2 Installation

First install ifmail. Read the manual of it. Note that you need ONLY ifindex and ifcico for DD. iftoss/ifpack etc are useless as they are used for fido<->usenet gateway.

Then edit configs/tosser.cfg -file.


Tosser supports multiple AKA-addresses, so you can have multiple networks. Standard aka-like looks like this:


Where N is the number of AKA and the rest if self-explanatory.

AKA1 is the primary address. So if your primary address is 45:8/19.0, put this to configfile: "AKA1 45:8/19.0".

Bad messages

There can be some bad messages in the message packet, for example there might be message to the area you have not configured. That kind of messages are imported to the area, you have defined as a bad message base. It should be local area because then you know what went wrong from the message kludges, and so you can configure DayDream so it will work.

Standard BAD-line looks like this:


For example, if you want to have base 6 of conference 10 as a bad base, put to your config file:

  BAD 10:6


There might be a message in the inbound directory, that doesn't have an AREA:-kludge. This kind of messages will be imported as Netmail. Netmail can be sent anywhere on the globe, and is always private. Line NETMAIL in config-file defines the base to be used for Netmail messages.

Standard NETMAIL-line looks like this:


For example, if you want to have base 5 of conference 10 as a netmail base, put to your config file:


Inbound & Outbound directories

Tosser needs to know, where the received messages are located. It also needs to know, where you want to pack outgoing messages. Path for received messages is defined in INBOUND-line and for outgoing in OUTBOUND-line.

Here are examples:

INBOUND "/var/spool/ifmail/inb/"
OUTBOUND "/var/spool/ifmail/outb"

INBOUND requires /, OUTBOUND must NOT have /, because of the naming system of outgoing message packets.

Packer definitions

You can have multiple packers for packing outgoing mail, but only 1 for decrunching mail. If you want to have more decrunchers, get a extracter, which detects which packer is used for packing message packets.

Standard packer line looks like this:

PACK[PACKERNUMBER] "[Commandline]". First %s is for name of archive and the second %s is for source file.


PACK1 "Lha a %s %s"

Standard unpack line looks like this:

UNPACK "[Commandline]". %s is a archive name to extract.


UNPACK "Lha e %s"

Outgoing echo

To specify nodes/points which get some mail from you, you need to use list of outbound nodes. List begins with line "OUT:". The next lines are for specifications about nodes/points which get the mail packets from you. The line format is:


4D Address is a typical fidonet 4D address, eg. 9:866/3.0. Type specifies the method which is used to deliver packets to the current node. If it's H, node will call you to exchange the packets. If it's N, you will call the current node to exchange packets.

Packer specifies packer number to use.

Aka specifies aka to use in messages to this node.

Conversion table specifies outgoing conversion table ID ($DAYDREAM/data/conversiontableXX.dat) to use for outgoing message conversion. If your host/nodes want to use those perverted IBM-chars, this should be 2 if you're using default conversion tables, otherwise 0.

~ is end of the outbound definitions.

Example list:

9:866/1.0 N 1 1 0
9:866/2.0 H 1 1 2

Inbound conversion

It's possible to convert incoming messages. If you live in Scandinavia and you are member of dos-network, those linefeeds are really annoying. If you want to use conversion table, specify the conversion table number in "CONVERSION" line. Table will be taken from $DAYDREAM/data/-directory.

Area definitions

To export echomail messages, you need to specify nodes who are polling area. Every area requires this. Format for AREA-line is

AREA [CONF]:[BASE] [List of 4d-addresses].


AREA 4:5 9:866/1.0 9:866/2.0


Routing is required for sending netmail via many nodes, not directly to the destination. This makes netmail transferring cheaper and slower.

This is how it works:

| Netmail for eg. node 2:447/3.0.|
     Is this defined in outbound nodes?   eg. 2:477/3.0 N 1 1
                +------------- yes -- Send it directly to it.
Is there route entry for dest?       eg. 2:477/* 2:477/2.0
		+------------- yes -- Send it to 2:477/2.0
     Crashmail it to 2:477/3.0

To specify routing, you'll need a table of route entries. List begins with line "ROUTE:" and next lines are for specifications about nodes to use for routing.

Format for lines is:


If destination matches with pattern, netmail will be sent to [4D ADDRESS].

4D Address is a typical fidonet 4D address, eg. 9:866/3.0. If it's -, mail won't be sent. First lines of the routetable should be used for your addresses to prevent tosser from sending your netmails forward.

~ is end of the routing definitions.

Example list:

9:866/3.0 -
9:* 9:866/1.0

3 IFMail

It's VERY important that you change the files owned by ifmail to bbs. So, do chown -R bbs /usr/lib/ifmail, chown -R bbs /var/spool/ifmail, chmod -R bbs /var/logs/ifmail.

This will make all the outgoing packets accessable for both, ifmail and DayDream.

For some strange reason ifcico chowns the incoming packets to root, if you run ifcico as a root, so chown them to bbs before running tosser or the tosser can't access them. Thank you.