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   ██                                                                       ██
  █▌                     -   HOW TO USE A PROXY   -                          █▌
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 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you want to setup your own 'proxy server' see tutorials DeleGate,       ▐▌
 █ SOHT, or HTTP-Tunnel. Or you could simply use 'Socks5 via SSH' which I'll  ▐▌
 █ explain below. This tut is mainly how to use one - client side.            ▐▌
 █ For example you have purchased a proxy/socks5, or a friend gave you one    ▐▌
 █ to use and you don't know how to use it. In most types this should work.   ▐▌
 █ For example you are given a HTTP Proxy or Socks5:                          ▐▌
 █ Server:                                                      ▐▌
 █ Port: 2121                                                                 ▐▌
 █ Username: mewbie                                                           ▐▌
 █ Password: MyPassword                                                       ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ ENTER PROXY DIRECTLY INTO A PROGRAM:                                       ▐▌
 █ ````````````````````````````````````                                       ▐▌
 █ HTTP Proxy:                                                                ▐▌
 █ It could be as simple as entering that information directly into your      ▐▌
 █ program. For instance:                                                     ▐▌
 █ In IE: Tools/Internet Options/Connections/Lan settings/check 'use a proxy  ▐▌
 █ server for lan..../Advanced enter under HTTP Port: 2121      ▐▌
 █ If it's a Socks enter under Socks                                          ▐▌
 █ First time you go to a web page you'll be prompted once for the above      ▐▌
 █ Username and Password.                                                     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ In FireFox: Tools/Options/Advanced/Network/Settings/ Select 'Manual proxy  ▐▌
 █ configuration'. Enter your Proxy IP and port under HTTP Host. OK/OK.       ▐▌
 █ If it's a Socks enter under SOCKS Host.                                    ▐▌
 █ First time you go to a web page you'll be prompted once for the above      ▐▌
 █ Username and Password.                                                     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Socks5 Proxy:                                                              ▐▌
 █ In FTPRush: Tools/Options/Connection/Proxy Server/Add/ Enter your          ▐▌
 █ settings/ select Proxy Type Socks5 (or whatever type you are using).       ▐▌
 █ Then check 'Use passive mode when using proxy'                             ▐▌
 █ Then drop down menu Current Proxy settings select it /Apply/OK             ▐▌
 █ Or to use it for only a certain site:                                      ▐▌
 █ Tools/Site Manager/Select your site/Connection/ Proxy Server/              ▐▌
 █ Select 'Use custom proxy server'. Drop down menu select your new proxy.    ▐▌
 █ Select 'Apply proxy on Data channel                                        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Socks5 Proxy for Telnet:                                                   ▐▌
 █ Vandyke's SecureCRT: Options/Global Options/Terminal/Firewall/Add/         ▐▌
 █ Fill in the information:                                                   ▐▌
 █ Name anything you like                                                     ▐▌
 █ Type: Socks version5 (username/password)                                   ▐▌
 █ Host name: IP of proxy                                                     ▐▌
 █ Port: Port of proxy                                                        ▐▌
 █ username & password: the one set on the proxy                              ▐▌
 █ Click OK/OK                                                                ▐▌
 █ Then go to your server list/right click on the server you want to use the  ▐▌
 █ proxy on/ Properties/Connection/Telnet/Firewall: drop down list/ Select    ▐▌
 █ your Proxy you just added.                                                 ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ SOCKS5 VIA SSH:                                                            ▐▌
 █ ```````````````                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you are the host you don't need to set up anything! :) Follow the       ▐▌
 █ same method below to use your box as a Socks5 server; your Host would be   ▐▌
 █ your IP, port would be what you have SSH setup on. If you want to share    ▐▌
 █ this with other users just make an account for them: adduser. Once you     ▐▌
 █ are connected, you'll be prompted for your normal username and password.   ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ SOCKS5 PORT FORWARDING:                                                    ▐▌
 █ ```````````````````````                                                    ▐▌
 █ Socks can also be setup like this:                                         ▐▌
 █ Download PuTTy from HERE (freeware, tiny, portable).                       ▐▌
 █ You can get a free little tool to check if your ports are open / forwarded ▐▌
 █ correctly 'PFPortChecker' by HERE (not required).          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ SETTINGS:                                                                  ▐▌
 █ In Putty: Open Putty, enter into 'Host Name (or IP address)' your host /   ▐▌
 █ proxy's IP (, 'Port' enter port from host (your host might   ▐▌
 █ give you a range to choose from like: 21,22,23,80,443).                    ▐▌
 █ Connection type: select 'SSH'. Saved Sessions enter any name you like.     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Left pane - Connection/SSH select 'Don't start a shell or command at all'  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Connection/SSH/Tunnels select 'Dynamic' then in 'Source port' enter your   ▐▌
 █ source port, for ex: 8282 ('Source port' is the port it will listen on     ▐▌
 █ from your box, so pick any port that is open). Then click Add.             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Session/ Click the 'Save' button.                                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you want to use VanDyke's SecureCRT, it's really too heavy of an app to ▐▌
 █ use for this tiny job, here are the settings:                              ▐▌
 █ Connect button/ New Session button (3rd from left) / Protocol select SSH2/ ▐▌
 █ Fill in information for Server/ Name anything/ Finish. Then right click on ▐▌
 █ your new session under Session, select Properties/Connections/Port         ▐▌
 █ Forwarding/ Select 'Do not request a shell'. Click Add button, enter your  ▐▌
 █ source/listening port under 'Remote': 8282, select 'Dynamic forwarding     ▐▌
 █ using SOCKS4 or 5', click OK.                                              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ CONNECT TO PROXY:                                                          ▐▌
 █ Double click on your new Saved Sessions to connect.                        ▐▌
 █ Click Yes to accept. Type in your username, hit enter key and then type in ▐▌
 █ your password (you can't see it). If all went well nothing else will       ▐▌
 █ happen in the putty window.                                                ▐▌
 █ You must leave this running to access tunnel and use the proxy for         ▐▌
 █ software like mIRC, IE, FTP, etc. - just minimize it. If the connection to ▐▌
 █ the server is lost close that window, open putty again,  and reconnect as  ▐▌
 █ above.                                                                     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ TO USE PROXY IN APPLICATIONS:                                              ▐▌
 █ MIRC: Tools/Options/Connect/Firewall/Firewall support: Both /              ▐▌
 █ Protocol: Socks5 /Hostname: (or: localhost)/ Port: 8282 (Your    ▐▌
 █ 'Source port')                                                             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ FIREFOX: Tools/Options/Advanced/Network/Settings/check "Manual proxy       ▐▌
 █ configuration' enter under SOCKS Host: Port: 8282                ▐▌
 █ check Socks 5, then click OK, OK.                                          ▐▌
 █ Not needed but for a little extra security, type into browser:             ▐▌
 █ about:config                                                               ▐▌
 █ scroll down to or enter into filter window to find it:                     ▐▌
 █ network.proxy.socks_remote_dns                                             ▐▌
 █ Double click it to set it to true. Then all DNS requests happen at the     ▐▌
 █ SSH side leaving your ISP in the dark as to what you're doing on the net.  ▐▌
 █ Thank you to st*n*x for that extra tip :)                                  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ IE: Tools/Internet Options/Connections/Lan settings/check 'use a proxy     ▐▌
 █ server for lan..../Advanced enter under Socks Port: 8282         ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Can test your browser HERE at                        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ E-MAIL:                                                                    ▐▌
 █ Using for example:                                                 ▐▌
 █ The gxx pop server is and the smtp is     ▐▌
 █ Pick 2 open ports and point your e-mail client to those.                   ▐▌
 █ Example: POP and SMTP                        ▐▌
 █ Then you configure your SSH client to do port forwarding as follows:       ▐▌
 █ map to                                      ▐▌
 █ map to                                     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ USED AS A HTTP TUNNEL:                                                     ▐▌
 █ ``````````````````````                                                     ▐▌
 █ This will require that your host has setup 'httptunnel' for you or it      ▐▌
 █ won't work as below.                                                       ▐▌
 █ For this example I'm going to use HTC (HTTPtunnel client) HTC's site is    ▐▌
 █ HERE. Huge Thank You to HERE for setting it up for testing :)▐▌
 █ Btw if you're in need of a good shell host, they are it.                   ▐▌
 █ Author's blog How to HERE, FAQ, and a How To.                              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ HTC SETTINGS:                                                              ▐▌
 █ 1. Check their site for the latest version if your host didn't give you.   ▐▌
 █ Download HERE.                                     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 2. Unzip that to: C:\htc                                                   ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 3. Find an open port that you know you can use 'source port/listening      ▐▌
 █ port', or forward one in your router.                                      ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 4. Open a Window's Prompt: Start/Run/ type in: cmd                         ▐▌
 █ then select OK                                                             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 5. Type into the window then hit your enter key:                           ▐▌
 █ C:\htc\htc.exe HostIP:HostPort -F another.source.port                      ▐▌
 █ For example: C:\htc\htc.exe -F 8383                       ▐▌
 █ If you have to connect to a corporate proxy first before being allowed out ▐▌
 █ then do this for example:                                                  ▐▌
 █ C:\htc\htc.exe -P HttpProxy:3128 -F 8383                  ▐▌
 █ If your proxy requires authentication then for example:                    ▐▌
 █ C:\htc\htc.exe -P HttpProxy:3128 -A USER:PASSWORD -F 8383 ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 6. Leave that window open, just minimize it.                               ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ PUTTY SETTINGS FOR USE WITH HTC:                                           ▐▌
 █ 1. Do the same settings as above for Putty 'except' for "Session/ enter    ▐▌
 █ proxy's IP into the hostname & port" you'll enter:                         ▐▌
 █ (or: localhost) port 8383 (your other source port).              ▐▌
 █ 2. Connect to your proxy, leave window open, just minimize it. (So now you ▐▌
 █ will have HTC and PuTTy running)                                           ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ TO USE PROXY IN APPLICATIONS:                                              ▐▌
 █ Follow the same directions as above under 'TO USE PROXY IN APPLICATIONS'.  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ SUMMARY OF PORTS USED IN THE EXAMPLES ABOVE:                               ▐▌
 █ ````````````````````````````````````````````                               ▐▌
 █ Your own source port in your applications (IE, mIRC, etc): 8282            ▐▌
 █ Your own same source port (Dynamic) in PuTTy that will listen for your applications: 8282
 █ Your own source port Putty will connect to HTC: 8383                       ▐▌
 █ Your own same source port HTC is listening on for PuTTy: 8383              ▐▌
 █ Your Host/Server port that HTC will send off your connections: 80          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ So your the connections will go something like this:                       ▐▌
 █ Applications connect to your own box (localhost) on port 8282, PuTTy hears ▐▌
 █ them (listening/source port 8282) and sends that connection off / forwards ▐▌
 █ it to port 8383, HTC hears them and forwards it to the Server (finally out ▐▌
 █ of your box) on Port 80, which all firewalls allow.                        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ HTC VARIABLES:                                                             ▐▌
 █ -A, --proxy-authorization USER:PASSWORD  proxy authorization               ▐▌
 █ -z, --proxy-authorization-file FILE      proxy authorization file          ▐▌
 █ -B, --proxy-buffer-size BYTES  assume a proxy buffer size of BYTES bytes   ▐▌
 █                                (k, M, and G postfixes recognized)          ▐▌
 █ -c, --content-length BYTES     use HTTP PUT requests of BYTES size         ▐▌
 █                                (k, M, and G postfixes recognized)          ▐▌
 █ -d, --device DEVICE            use DEVICE for input and output             ▐▌
 █ -F, --forward-port PORT        use TCP port PORT for input and output      ▐▌
 █ -h, --help                     display this help and exit                  ▐▌
 █ -k, --keep-alive SECONDS       send keepalive bytes every SECONDS seconds  ▐▌
 █                                (default is 5)                              ▐▌
 █ -M, --max-connection-age SEC   maximum time a connection will stay         ▐▌
 █                                open is SEC seconds (default is 300)        ▐▌
 █ -P, --proxy HOSTNAME[:PORT]    use a HTTP proxy (default port is 8080)     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ HTC NOTES:                                                                 ▐▌
 █ 1. Make sure all the ports that you select are open for you to use or this ▐▌
 █ won't work.                                                                ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 2. Only one IP / one person may use this at the same time per port. It's   ▐▌
 █ the software limitation, not your host.                                    ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 3. It will log to Window's application log. To view those logs:            ▐▌
 █ Start/Control Panel/ double click on 'Administrative Tools' / double click ▐▌
 █ on 'Event Viewer' / double click on 'Application' / double click on an     ▐▌
 █ entry to view information about it. Easy way to find entries for HTC is to ▐▌
 █ click the column's tab 'Source' which will then sort all alphabetically.   ▐▌
 █ It will be under htc.                                                      ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 4. To close HTC completely you need to use the Task Manager: Ctrl+Alt+Del  ▐▌
 █ keys, Processes tab, find htc.exe, select it, hit the 'End Process' button.▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 5. If when you try to connect with putty and it immediately prompts you    ▐▌
 █ with: "Server unexpectedly closed network connection" and then probably    ▐▌
 █ kills the running hts.exe - most likely the cmd you are entering is        ▐▌
 █ incorrect and or your ports aren't open. Most cases this has nothing to do ▐▌
 █ with your host.                                                            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ 6. In the enclosed README it suggests to read an article about firewall    ▐▌
 █ piercing; that document can now be found HERE.                             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ //----------------------------------------------------------------------   ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you find mistakes, have suggestions, and or questions please post at    ▐▌
 █ mewbies forum HERE - thank you.                                            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Last update on 18 Aug '09                                                  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
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