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█ SOHT - Socket over HTTP Tunneling ▐▌
█ The SOHT website is HERE. The author Eric Daugherty has been responsive ▐▌
█ and helpful; Thank you :). ▐▌
█ Though I have it didn't work for my friend, it did work well for another ▐▌
█ friend who is in similar circumstance, so I thought it was worth while to ▐▌
█ write about. It makes for an easy beautiful proxy :) ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ The program consists of 2 applications: The client and the server. ▐▌
█ Client is the person trying to get pass their firewall to connect to the ▐▌
█ server first. ▐▌
█ Server is operating the program to send the client on their merry way. ▐▌
█ The client - 2 types to choose from: a .exe or a .jar so it should run on ▐▌
█ most OS. Both are portable. ▐▌
█ The server - must be deployed on a Java Servlet container. For this tut we ▐▌
█ will do that on a Debian and the Client on Windows. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ `````````````````````` ▐▌
█ 1. Check the SOHT website for latest version. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ 2. Install Tomcat; see my Tomcat tutorial. This is needed to deploy the ▐▌
█ .war file. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ 3. Read SOHT enclosed README.txt. ▐▌
█ This is what I did: ▐▌
█ (Change the cmds below to be correct to your installed/version path) ▐▌
█ wget
█ su ▐▌
█ unzip -d /usr/local/tomcat-6.0.20/webapps ▐▌
█ This will reply: ▐▌
█ Archive: ▐▌
█ inflating: /usr/local/tomcat-6.0.20/webapps/soht.war ▐▌
█ inflating: /usr/local/tomcat-6.0.20/webapps/LICENSE ▐▌
█ inflating: /usr/local/tomcat-6.0.20/webapps/README.txt ▐▌
█ inflating: /usr/local/tomcat-6.0.20/webapps/ ▐▌
█ exit ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Now test it at: (the port will be whatever ▐▌
█ port you have Tomcat on). ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ ````````` ▐▌
█ 1. As per README.txt: "The administration web interface requires a password▐▌
█ to access. The default value of this password is 'soht'. The password ▐▌
█ should be changes immediately upon deployment." ▐▌
█ Login to 'Administrator Login' using password: soht ▐▌
█ Change that to a secure password. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Now to make this more secure: ▐▌
█ 1. Require Password menu; select 'Require Password' ▐▌
█ 2. User Maintenance menu; add the user you want to access your SOHT server ▐▌
█ with a secure pass. ▐▌
█ Done! :) You now have a beautiful SOHT server. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ ````````````````` ▐▌
█ Easier than the server. Check the site for new versions. ▐▌
█ Download the .exe HERE or download the .jar HERE. ▐▌
█ If you're using the jar client you'll need to have Java Runtime 'JRE' ▐▌
█ installed. You can find it HERE, select the JRE 'Download' button. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Double click on the 'SOHTClient.exe' to launch it. ▐▌
█ Enter your settings: ▐▌
█ Server URL enter: ▐▌
█ Enable 'Server Requires Login' ▐▌
█ Username: The name you setup for your user above ▐▌
█ Password: The password you setup for your user above ▐▌
█ Port Mappings: You can 'Remove' the examples that are there and enter you ▐▌
█ own. ▐▌
█ Local Port: This will be the port that your box uses to connect to the ▐▌
█ SOHT server before it connects you to your Remote Host. So be sure this ▐▌
█ port is free and open for HTTP connection on your local box. ▐▌
█ Remote Host: The IP of the place you would like to connect to. ▐▌
█ Remote Port: The port of the Remote Host. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ For example I have added 3 different Port Mappings for 3 different ▐▌
█ connection types to test; ▐▌
█ For SSH access: Select Add/ Local Port: 5566 Remote Host: ▐▌
█ (the IP of Shell) Remote Port: 99999 (the port of Shell) ▐▌
█ For FTP connection: ▐▌
█ Select Add/ Local Port: 443 Remote Host: (the IP of an FTP ▐▌
█ server) Remote Port: 99999 (the port of an FTP server) ▐▌
█ For IRC connection: Local Port: 8080 Remote Host: Remote ▐▌
█ Port: 88888 ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Select Save Configuration. Press the Start button. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ NOTES: ▐▌
█ A. When making changes to the configurations always Stop the Client first, ▐▌
█ make changes, Save Configuration, then Start client again to ensure those ▐▌
█ configurations are saved. ▐▌
█ B. When you Stop the client, any active connections through the Client ▐▌
█ will be cut off, of course. ▐▌
█ C. If it doesn't work for you, try changing the Local Port. ▐▌
█ D. After I had everything setup, tested it, I closed the application, ▐▌
█ re-zipped (with a strong password or PGP it) all the files and then I ▐▌
█ e-mailed it to my friend so that he needn't do anything but unzip it, ▐▌
█ double click to get the Client running. He of course will still need to ▐▌
█ enter the settings into the programs he wants to use this for, such as ▐▌
█ mIRC etc. See below how to do this. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ OR ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ 1.) Unzip the contents of '' into a directory ▐▌
█ named 'soht' so that it is located for example: F:\soht ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ 2.) Open a command prompt window: ▐▌
█ Windows XP: ▐▌
█ Press the Window's Start button, then Run, then type in the Open drop down ▐▌
█ window: cmd ▐▌
█ Press OK ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Windows Vista & 7: ▐▌
█ Press the Windows logo key on your keyboard +r to launch Run, then type in ▐▌
█ the Open drop down window: cmd ▐▌
█ Or Press the Window's Start button/Start Search box/ type in the Open drop ▐▌
█ down window: cmd ▐▌
█ Press OK ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ 3.) Change to the drive your soht is on, type in then hit enter: F: ▐▌
█ Then change to the directory: cd F:\soht ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ 4.) Test if your java cmd is enabled by typing in: java ▐▌
█ If the reply is similar to: ▐▌
█ Usage: java [-options] class [args...] ▐▌
█ [snip] ▐▌
█ Continue to step 5. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ If your reply is similar to: ▐▌
█ 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
█ See HERE first how to enable your java command (set environment variables).▐▌
█ Once your java cmd works, continue to step 5. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ 5.) Execute this cmd as per readme.txt: java -jar soht-client-0.6.2.jar ▐▌
█ Sorry to say that this is as far as I can take you as I can not get this ▐▌
█ jar to launch on XP or 7. A friend has it working on his Windows 2000 tho. ▐▌
█ If it does launch for you then you just need to open '' ▐▌
█ in a text editor, Notepad will do, and modify it for your needs. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ `````````````````````````````````` ▐▌
█ Below are examples for the settings I have setup in the Client already as ▐▌
█ per the steps above. ▐▌
█ For SSH shell access using PuTTy, FTP access using FTPRush, and IRC access ▐▌
█ using mIRC. ▐▌
█ All applications that you use (Flash, FTPRUSH, mIRC, etc) to connect out ▐▌
█ will always have the IP to connect to as: localhost ▐▌
█ The port will be the one you entered into Local Port. ▐▌
█ The real IP will always go into SOHT's client. ▐▌
█ SOHT client must be running ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ PuTTy 5566-> ▐▌
█ Open PuTTy, under Session enter: ▐▌
█ Host Name: localhost ▐▌
█ Port: 5566 (or whatever port you entered in SOHT client if you changed ▐▌
█ that local port) ▐▌
█ Connection type: SSH ▐▌
█ Saved Sessions: Give it a name. Click Save, then double click on your ▐▌
█ Saved session to connect. ▐▌
█ This will open PuTTy's Terminal window. If this works you will be prompted ▐▌
█ for a login. Enter your normal shell login ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ FTPRush 443-> ▐▌
█ Create a new site: ▐▌
█ Under Tools->Options->Connection->Ident ▐▌
█ Check Enable Ident ▐▌
█ Ident name: your-ident ▐▌
█ OK ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Under Tools->Site Manager->General Menu: ▐▌
█ Protocol: SSL FTP (AUTH SSL) (or whatever protocol that site uses) ▐▌
█ Host: localhost ▐▌
█ Port: 443 (or whatever you entered in SOHT client if you changed that ▐▌
█ local port) ▐▌
█ Username: your-site-name ▐▌
█ Password: your-site-password ▐▌
█ Passive Mode: check ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Under Connection->Ident: Use Global Setting. ▐▌
█ OK connect. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ mIRC 8080-> ▐▌
█ Open mIRC: Tools->Options->Connect ▐▌
█ Full Name: your psybnc login name ▐▌
█ Email Address: ▐▌
█ Nickname: your nick ▐▌
█ Alternative: your alternative nick ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Then Connect/options/retry/un-check the box: 'Try next server in group' ▐▌
█ (this is so it will only use your new setting). ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Then Connect/Servers->Add button: ▐▌
█ Description: whatever ▐▌
█ IRC Server: localhost ▐▌
█ Ports: 8080 (or whatever you entered in SOHT client if you changed that ▐▌
█ local port) ▐▌
█ Group: nothing, leave empty ▐▌
█ Password: your psybnc password ▐▌
█ Press OK ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Then menu Identd: ▐▌
█ Check Enable Identd server ▐▌
█ User ID: your-ident ▐▌
█ Check: Show Identd requests (this will help in seeing if errors are ▐▌
█ because of your identd not working) ▐▌
█ Check: Enable only when connecting (so it's not interfering with others) ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Then back to menu Connect, see that it says under Server: the server you ▐▌
█ added, then press Connect. If it works in your server window you will see ▐▌
█ something like: [11:05] * Connecting to localhost (8080) ▐▌
█ [11:05] -Welcome- psyBNC2.3.2-7 ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ NOTES: ▐▌
█ `````` ▐▌
█ Once a user is connected to the SOHT server you can view their connection ▐▌
█ on the admin page. It will look something like this: ▐▌
█ ID: 14 Connection from: 12.345.67.8 to Opened: 06/16/2009 ▐▌
█ 09:20:23 PM EDT ); ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ //---------------------------------------------------------------------- ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ If you find mistakes, have suggestions, and or questions please post at ▐▌
█ mewbies forum HERE - thank you. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Last update on 17 May '10 ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█▌ █▌
█▌ - - █▌
█▌ █▌