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█ I love HFS. It's very handy to share files via HTTP Protocol. It's like a ▐▌
█ web-based FTP. This worked great for my friend. Their website is HERE and ▐▌
█ their forum is HERE. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Pros: freeware, open source, tiny, portable, virtual folders (no need to ▐▌
█ move files/directories you want your users to access), control who does ▐▌
█ what, can upload multiple files, and easy to use! You could even host a ▐▌
█ website with this little toy! It also works in Linux via Wine (I have yet ▐▌
█ to try this myself). ▐▌
█ Cons: No SSL, can't upload directories, can't set perms / no option so ▐▌
█ that users can't rename or delete files. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ ````````````````` ▐▌
█ Read their instructions HERE. This is what I did: ▐▌
█ 1. PORT: First pick a port that is free to use for HFS. ▐▌
█ Forward that port in your router. If you don't know how see ▐▌
█ port-forwarding website HERE. ▐▌
█ In HFS click the port button, enter the port. HFS will test for you if ▐▌
█ that port is free. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ 2. INSTALL: Then just double click on the file. You will be prompted to ▐▌
█ integrate it into the context menu. I picked yes so that I can right click ▐▌
█ on any file and add it to HFS (you can change this in HFS also). ▐▌
█ Change to Expert Mode to access all features. ▐▌
█ Add HFS to your Start Up menu if you want it to auto load on reboot. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ 3. TEST LOCALLY: To test this locally I had to edit my 'hosts' file: ▐▌
█ C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (the name of this file is hosts, no ▐▌
█ extension) ▐▌
█ Right click on file, select Properties, under Attributes remove Read-only ▐▌
█ if checked/OK. ▐▌
█ Open file with WordPad, Mine had this: ▐▌
█ localhost ▐▌
█ I changed it to: ▐▌
█ localhost ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ ( is my internal IP on my network) ▐▌
█ Close that file selecting the red X, select OK; not file / save ▐▌
█ Right click on file, select Properties, under Attributes select ▐▌
█ 'Read-only' /OK / even if it wasn't set earlier (security reasons). ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Windows 8 users: If you are using the built-in 'Windows Defender' ▐▌
█ antivirus then you must: ▐▌
█ 1. Exclude the 'hosts' file from being monitored by Windows Defender or it ▐▌
█ will remove any changes you make to this file: ▐▌
█ Windows key > type in Windows Defender > Enter > Settings tab > Exclude ▐▌
█ Files and locations > Browse button > navigate to file > OK > Add > Save ▐▌
█ Changes ▐▌
█ 2. Launch your text editor as Admin to make changes to the hosts file. ▐▌
█ Example: Windows key > type in Wordpad > right click Wordpad icon > Run ▐▌
█ as administrator > file type box select 'All Files (*.*)' ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Now in HFS select /Menu/Self Test , follow the prompts ▐▌
█ Test your site in your browser: ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ 4. ADD USERS: Skip this section if are going to allow 'anyone' to use. I ▐▌
█ added my users; Menu/Other options/Set users accounts... I added users ▐▌
█ with password. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ 5. SET DIRECTORY FOR USERS: This first directory must be a real directory ▐▌
█ (not virtual). In HFS left pane 'Virtual File System' right click on the ▐▌
█ House/Add folder from disk. I selected the folder I want my HFS users to ▐▌
█ have access to which is the same folder for my FTP server. ▐▌
█ Right click on the folder in HFS that you just added, select Upload/Upload ▐▌
█ for accounts/Anyone, or you can choose a certain user from that menu. ▐▌
█ Right click on the folder in HFS that you just added, select Browsable if ▐▌
█ you want your users to be able to browse that directory. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ 6. Test that by going to your site, login if you set that, and done! :) ▐▌
█ The upload button will be next to the Login button if you set upload for ▐▌
█ that account. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ NOTES: ▐▌
█ `````` ▐▌
█ 1. If you have a static IP great, your users will use ▐▌
█ http://your.ip:yourport . If you don't have a static IP, but a dynamic IP; ▐▌
█ one that changes often, you'll have to give your users your new IP each ▐▌
█ time or just get a free domain to point to your box. To see how see the ▐▌
█ DYNDNS tutorial HERE. ▐▌
█ 2. You can drag and drop files into the window that you want to share. The ▐▌
█ URL will be automatically copied to your mouse. ▐▌
█ 3. Be sure to allow 'always' when prompted by your firewall. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ //---------------------------------------------------------------------- ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ If you find mistakes, have suggestions, and or questions please post at ▐▌
█ mewbies forum HERE - thank you. ▐▌
█ ▐▌
█ Last update on 29 Nov '12 ▐▌
█ ▐▌
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