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   ██                                                                       ██
  █▌                  -   AUDITING USERS WITH SYSLOG-NG   -                  █▌
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 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Syslog-ng (ng=next generation) site is HERE, man page HERE, FAQ is HERE.   ▐▌
 █ This is not just used to log users but a replacement to your syslog. From  ▐▌
 █ the syslog-ng information: "The application can operate in server or agent ▐▌
 █ mode, and - apart from UDP - supports the reliable TCP and the encrypted   ▐▌
 █ TLS protocols. That way syslog-ng can be used to create flexible and       ▐▌
 █ reliable logging  infrastructure even in heterogeneous environments."      ▐▌
 █ "syslog-ng reads and logs messages to the system console, log files, other ▐▌
 █ machines and/or users as specified by its configuration file."             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Note that syslog-ng is a logger only. It does not report. It is up to you  ▐▌
 █ to use a method to parse/view your logs. Find a list of a variety of log   ▐▌
 █ analysis programs to help you do this; left menu 'LOG ANALYZERS-PARSERS'.  ▐▌
 █ Syslog-ng messages can be piped into a MySQL data base for a beautiful web ▐▌
 █ based graphical interface using LogZilla <- UPDATE: LogZilla no longer     ▐▌
 █ offers a free license (30 day demo only), or using Splunk, (tutorial HERE).▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ INSTALL:                                                                   ▐▌
 █ ````````                                                                   ▐▌
 █ View HERE, or HERE if you want to install in chroot jail, otherwise:       ▐▌
 █ su                                                                         ▐▌
 █ aptitude update                                                            ▐▌
 █ aptitude install syslog-ng                                                 ▐▌
 █ y                                                                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Output will be similar to:                                                 ▐▌
 █ [snip]                                                                     ▐▌
 █ The following NEW packages will be installed:                              ▐▌
 █   libevtlog0{a} syslog-ng                                                  ▐▌
 █ The following packages will be REMOVED:                                    ▐▌
 █   klogd{a} sysklogd{a}                                                     ▐▌
 █ [snip]                                                                     ▐▌
 █ Removing klogd ...                                                         ▐▌
 █ Stopping kernel log daemon....                                             ▐▌
 █ Removing sysklogd ...                                                      ▐▌
 █ Stopping system log daemon....                                             ▐▌
 █ [snip]                                                                     ▐▌
 █ Setting up libevtlog0 (0.2.8~1-2) ...                                      ▐▌
 █ Setting up syslog-ng (2.0.9-4.1) ...                                       ▐▌
 █ Starting system logging: syslog-ng.                                        ▐▌
 █ [snip]                                                                     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ ps x                                                                       ▐▌
 █ 13395 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/syslog-ng -p /var/run/   ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Syslog-ng will be installed with the service to run after reboot (2-5),    ▐▌
 █ you need not manually set it. If you like to view its settings:            ▐▌
 █ sysv-rc-conf                                                               ▐▌
 █ It will have this:                                                         ▐▌
 █ syslog-ng [ ] [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]                                  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Syslog-ng is highly configurable. Such things as alert you, filters,       ▐▌
 █ logging sent to multiple destinations such as another server to prevent    ▐▌
 █ tampering of the logs, log or not log x programs, log per host, etc. View  ▐▌
 █ HERE for all syslog-ng.conf default settings in an easy to view format.    ▐▌
 █ There are many other settings you can add to suit your needs.              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ FILES:                                                                     ▐▌
 █ ``````                                                                     ▐▌
 █ Default configuration file is here, read it, make changes to suit your     ▐▌
 █ needs:                                                                     ▐▌
 █ cat /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf                                          ▐▌
 █ Can set variables here also:                                               ▐▌
 █ cat /etc/default/syslog-ng                                                 ▐▌
 █ Process ID:                                                                ▐▌
 █ cat /var/run/                                                 ▐▌
 █ Log:                                                                       ▐▌
 █ /var/log/syslog                                                            ▐▌
 █ And of course it will now take over the writing the normal syslog logs:    ▐▌
 █ /var/log/auth.log                                                          ▐▌
 █ /var/log/daemon.log                                                        ▐▌
 █ /var/log/debug                                                             ▐▌
 █ /var/log/kern.log                                                          ▐▌
 █ /var/log/mail.err                                                          ▐▌
 █ /var/log/mail.log                                                          ▐▌
 █ /var/log/messages                                                          ▐▌
 █ /var/log/user.log                                                          ▐▌
 █ /var/log/uucp.log                                                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ COMMANDS:                                                                  ▐▌
 █ `````````                                                                  ▐▌
 █ man syslog-ng                                                              ▐▌
 █ To restart syslog-ng:                                                      ▐▌
 █ /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart                                              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ CRON LOGS:                                                                 ▐▌
 █ ``````````                                                                 ▐▌
 █ A feature of syslog-ng is that you can have your cron jobs log to a        ▐▌
 █ separate file, instead of mixing with the other logs. To enable this       ▐▌
 █ feature:                                                                   ▐▌
 █ pico /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf                                         ▐▌
 █ Has this:                                                                  ▐▌
 █ # this is commented out in the default syslog.conf                         ▐▌
 █ # cron.*                         /var/log/cron.log                         ▐▌
 █ #log {                                                                     ▐▌
 █ #        source(s_all);                                                    ▐▌
 █ #        filter(f_cron);                                                   ▐▌
 █ #        destination(df_cron);                                             ▐▌
 █ #};                                                                        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Change to:                                                                 ▐▌
 █ # this is commented out in the default syslog.conf                         ▐▌
 █ # cron.*                         /var/log/cron.log                         ▐▌
 █ log {                                                                      ▐▌
 █         source(s_all);                                                     ▐▌
 █         filter(f_cron);                                                    ▐▌
 █         destination(df_cron);                                              ▐▌
 █ };                                                                         ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart                                              ▐▌
 █ Wait until a cron job has been run, then you'll have the file 'cron.log':  ▐▌
 █ ls -al /var/log/cron*                                                      ▐▌
 █ cat /var/log/cron.log                                                      ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ syslog-ng will rotate cron.log as well, you needn't do anything, it's      ▐▌
 █ already stated in its rotation script:                                     ▐▌
 █ cat /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng                                             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ LOG ROTATION TROUBLE SHOOTING NOTE:                                        ▐▌
 █ ```````````````````````````````````                                        ▐▌
 █ Syslog-ng will install its own logrotation script. IF you have             ▐▌
 █ previously set up custom settings for any your standard Debian logs, check ▐▌
 █ if syslog-ng has also created a setting for any of these logs here:        ▐▌
 █ cat /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng                                             ▐▌
 █ For example I had added my own settings for auth.log and then after        ▐▌
 █ installing syslog-ng I noticed root had received e-mails stating:          ▐▌
 █ /etc/cron.daily/logrotate:                                                 ▐▌
 █ error: /etc/logrotate.conf:41 duplicate log entry for /var/log/auth.log    ▐▌
 █ run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate exited with return code 1             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ To find the culprit of this error I did:                                   ▐▌
 █ grep -r auth.log /etc/*                                                    ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Which then I discoverd syslog-ng had this file listed in its rotation. So  ▐▌
 █ then I removed my custom settings (on /etc/logrotate.conf) and added them  ▐▌
 █ to syslog-ng rotation settings like this:                                  ▐▌
 █ pico /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng                                            ▐▌
 █ Has this:                                                                  ▐▌
 █ /var/log/auth.log {                                                        ▐▌
 █    rotate 4                                                                ▐▌
 █    missingok                                                               ▐▌
 █    notifempty                                                              ▐▌
 █    weekly                                                                  ▐▌
 █    compress                                                                ▐▌
 █ }                                                                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ I changed it to:                                                           ▐▌
 █ /var/log/auth.log {                                                        ▐▌
 █    rotate 3                                                                ▐▌
 █    notifempty                                                              ▐▌
 █    daily                                                                   ▐▌
 █    delaycompress                                                           ▐▌
 █    compress                                                                ▐▌
 █    create 640 root adm                                                     ▐▌
 █    mailfirst                                                               ▐▌
 █    mail                                                 ▐▌
 █ }                                                                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Then you'll need to restart syslog-ng:                                     ▐▌
 █ /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart                                              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you want to test logrotation without actually rotating:                 ▐▌
 █ logrotate --debug --force /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng                       ▐▌
 █ You might see an error stating no such file:                               ▐▌
 █ [snip]                                                                     ▐▌
 █ error: failed to open /var/log/auth.log.1.gz for mailing: No such file or  ▐▌
 █ directory                                                                  ▐▌
 █ [snip]                                                                     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Then to rotate manually:                                                   ▐▌
 █ logrotate --force -v /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng                            ▐▌
 █ Which might also produce an error IF auth.log has grown larger then your   ▐▌
 █ e-mail client is set up to send- that is IF you have it set up to be       ▐▌
 █ e-mailed out:                                                              ▐▌
 █ [snip]                                                                     ▐▌
 █ Can't send mail: sendmail process failed with error code 1                 ▐▌
 █ [snip]                                                                     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ So then I just ran the manual rotation one more time to make sure all      ▐▌
 █ worked now that size was down (rotation made a new file):                  ▐▌
 █ logrotate --force -v /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng                            ▐▌
 █ Received my e-mail again noticed that with the different settings it had,  ▐▌
 █ it left 2 stragglers from 10 days previous (when the error started):       ▐▌
 █ ls -al /var/log                                                            ▐▌
 █ 1 root adm     5305 2010-07-28 11:00 auth.log                              ▐▌
 █ 1 root adm    36891 2010-07-18 06:47 auth.log.0                            ▐▌
 █ 1 root adm     4561 2010-07-28 10:59 auth.log.1                            ▐▌
 █ 1 root adm  1292972 2010-07-18 06:25 auth.log.2                            ▐▌
 █ 1 root adm     3775 2010-07-28 10:57 auth.log.2.gz                         ▐▌
 █ 1 root adm      508 2010-07-28 10:24 auth.log.3.gz                         ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Or you might have received the error:                                      ▐▌
 █ old log /var/log/auth.log.0.gz does not exist                              ▐▌
 █ So then I did:                                                             ▐▌
 █ gzip /var/log/auth.log.0                                                   ▐▌
 █ gzip /var/log/auth.log.2                                                   ▐▌
 █ y                                                                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ logrotate --force -v /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng                            ▐▌
 █ And all is fine now:                                                       ▐▌
 █ ls -al /var/log/auth.*                                                     ▐▌
 █ Then download auth.log.2.gz if you need it for your records before it is   ▐▌
 █ rotated out.                                                               ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ //----------------------------------------------------------------------   ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you find mistakes, have suggestions, and or questions please post at    ▐▌
 █ mewbies forum HERE - thank you.                                            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Last update on 06 Aug '10                                                  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
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