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   ██                                                                       ██
  █▌               -   BYPASS FIREWALL WITH CGI:IRC   -                      █▌
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 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ This one worked very well for my friend. CGI:IRC can be found HERE. Test   ▐▌
 █ demo HERE to try first if it will work for your needs.                     ▐▌
 █ *If it doesn't work for you it could be because of the 'cgiirc' name in    ▐▌
 █ its path; easy to fix. It didn't work for my friend either until I altered ▐▌
 █ that name and path.                                                        ▐▌
 █ Con: No text encryption if your channel uses it.                           ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ PREREQUISITES:                                                             ▐▌
 █ ``````````````                                                             ▐▌
 █ As per the enclosed README:                                                ▐▌
 █ 1. Ability to run CGI scripts using Perl 5.004 or greater                  ▐▌
 █ 2. UNIX based system                                                       ▐▌
 █ 3. Acceptable use policy allows access to IRC                              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ *I haven't tried this on a rented box (paid for hosting), but I don't see  ▐▌
 █ why it wouldn't work as long as your server has CGI and Perl. You would    ▐▌
 █ then install it manually (wget if you have ssh access /or easier; just     ▐▌
 █ upload the edited files to your server). If anyone test this out on a      ▐▌
 █ rented box and it works, please let me know precisely what you did so we   ▐▌
 █ can share here :) .                                                        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ CGI:IRC:                                                                   ▐▌
 █ ````````                                                                   ▐▌
 █ The enclosed README is basic what you need to do; unless you know your     ▐▌
 █ apache2 like l33t mad, not mewbie. The only part I didn't get to work is   ▐▌
 █ showing the images; smiling faces, but that's ok for my needs.             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ INSTALL VIA SSH:                                                           ▐▌
 █ su                                                                         ▐▌
 █ aptitude install cgiirc                                                    ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ See this file for a full list of settings:                                 ▐▌
 █ pico /etc/cgiirc/cgiirc.config.full                                        ▐▌
 █ I just used/edited the cgiirc.config to my needs:                          ▐▌
 █ Make a backup copy just in case:                                           ▐▌
 █ cp /etc/cgiirc/cgiirc.config /etc/cgiirc/cgiirc-org.config                 ▐▌
 █ Then edit it:                                                              ▐▌
 █ pico /etc/cgiirc/cgiirc.config                                             ▐▌
 █ *Note: Your config might have something different depending on your OS and ▐▌
 █ if you installed it manually or via aptitude.                              ▐▌
 █ MINE HAD THIS:                                                             ▐▌
 █ # CGI:IRC configuration file.                                              ▐▌
 █ #                                                                          ▐▌
 █ # Check /usr/share/doc/cgiirc/examples/cgiirc.config.full.gz               ▐▌
 █ # for more details.                                                        ▐▌
 █ # Take care about applying debian-specific settings like                   ▐▌
 █ # `image_path' if you intend to just copy it!                              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ default_server =                                            ▐▌
 █ default_port = 6667                                                        ▐▌
 █ default_channel = #cgiirc                                                  ▐▌
 █ default_name = CGI:IRC User                                                ▐▌
 █ default_nick=CGI???                                                        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ # Don't change these, they're specific to Debian:                          ▐▌
 █ image_path = /images/cgiirc                                                ▐▌
 █ # -----------------------------------------------                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ script_nph = nph-irc.cgi                                                   ▐▌
 █ script_form = client-perl.cgi                                              ▐▌
 █ script_login = irc.cgi                                                     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ ip_access_file = ipaccess                                                  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ I CHANGED TO:                                                              ▐▌
 █ # CGI:IRC configuration file.                                              ▐▌
 █ #                                                                          ▐▌
 █ # Check /usr/share/doc/cgiirc/examples/cgiirc.config.full.gz               ▐▌
 █ # for more details.                                                        ▐▌
 █ # Take care about applying debian-specific settings like                   ▐▌
 █ # `image_path' if you intend to just copy it!                              ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ default_server =                                             ▐▌
 █ default_port = 6667                                                        ▐▌
 █ default_channel = #notmychannel                                            ▐▌
 █ default_name = mewmew                                                      ▐▌
 █ default_nick=mew???                                                        ▐▌
 █ session_timeout = 7200                                                     ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ # Don't change these, they're specific to Debian:                          ▐▌
 █ image_path = /images/cgiirc                                                ▐▌
 █ # -----------------------------------------------                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ script_nph = nph-irc.cgi                                                   ▐▌
 █ script_form = client-perl.cgi                                              ▐▌
 █ script_login = sd.cgi                                                      ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ ip_access_file = ipaccess                                                  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ allow_non_default = 1                                                      ▐▌
 █ access_channel = .*                                                        ▐▌
 █ access_server = .*                                                         ▐▌
 █ access_port = .*                                                           ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ *Note:                                                                     ▐▌
 █ 1.) On this line: default_channel = #notmychannel                          ▐▌
 █ I made up a channel name (making sure channel didn't exist), so if ever    ▐▌
 █ that webpage is penetrated it won't lead them to my channel and give away  ▐▌
 █ the key as well. From there user can just /join #mychannel key             ▐▌
 █ 2.) Last 4 lines is allowing users to go to any channel, server & port. I  ▐▌
 █ don't recommend this if your cgi:irc script is not private as this program ▐▌
 █ is resource intensive and likely would be abused.                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Read this file first 'ipaccess.example' (same dir) to suit your needs.     ▐▌
 █ pico /etc/cgiirc/ipaccess                                                  ▐▌
 █ HAD THIS:                                                                  ▐▌
 █                                                                ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ I CHANGED TO:                                                              ▐▌
 █ *.*.*.* 8                                                                  ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ SKIP THIS IF YOU DON'T NEED TO REMOVE cgiirc & irc IN PATH NAME:           ▐▌
 █ First make backups, just in case.                                          ▐▌
 █ cp /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc-org.cgi     ▐▌
 █ cp /usr/share/cgiirc/www/index.html /usr/share/cgiirc/www/index-org.html   ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Then rename:                                                               ▐▌
 █ mv /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgiirc/mew.cgi         ▐▌
 █ mv /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgiirc/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/mew/                          ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Then replace in these two files all instances of 'irc.cgi' with: mew.cgi   ▐▌
 █ (or whatever you renamed your irc.cgi file to)                             ▐▌
 █ pico /usr/lib/cgi-bin/mew/mew.cgi                                          ▐▌
 █ pico /usr/share/cgiirc/www/index.html                                      ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ PERMISSIONS:                                                               ▐▌
 █ Check that all the files have the correct permissions: -rwxr-xr-x          ▐▌
 █ If not for example:                                                        ▐▌
 █ chmod 755 /usr/share/images/*.gif                                          ▐▌
 █ chmod 755 /usr/share/images/*.wav                                          ▐▌
 █ chmod 755 /var/www/images/*                                                ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ IMAGES:                                                                    ▐▌
 █ Readme says to:                                                            ▐▌
 █ 2. Copy or upload all the files to your cgi-bin directory, and put the     ▐▌
 █ images directory in the correct location (may or may not be inside the     ▐▌
 █ cgi-bin directory).                                                        ▐▌
 █ Didn't work for me; tried those images all over the server, edited paths,  ▐▌
 █ symlinked; could be because of my path changing etc, no big deal for me.   ▐▌
 █ Good luck :)                                                               ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ ENABLE:                                                                    ▐▌
 █ To enable cgiirc usage, symlink(assuming your document root is /var/www):  ▐▌
 █ ln -s /usr/share/cgiirc/www /var/www/cgiirc                                ▐▌
 █ OR If you don't want 'cgiirc' in path name:                                ▐▌
 █ ln -s /usr/share/cgiirc/www /var/www/mew                                   ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ exit                                                                       ▐▌
 █ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart                                                ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Done.                                                                      ▐▌
 █ Test: or if you have set SSL in    ▐▌
 █ your apache; https:// ...                                                  ▐▌
 █ If you know your apache2 you could redirect that url so that it doesn't    ▐▌
 █ have cgi-bin in path (like on demo). Worked just fine for my needs so I    ▐▌
 █ left it as is.                                                             ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you have any problems take a look at your /var/log/apache2/error.log    ▐▌
 █ to see what it is complaining about.                                       ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ SOME NOTES TO FIND THE FILES IF YOU NEED:                                  ▐▌
 █ For Debian/Apache2 it installed here:                                      ▐▌
 █ /etc/cgiirc/cgiirc.config                                                  ▐▌
 █ /etc/cgiirc/formats/                                                       ▐▌
 █ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgiirc                                                    ▐▌
 █ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi                                            ▐▌
 █ /usr/share/cgiirc                                                          ▐▌
 █ /usr/share/cgiirc/www/                                                     ▐▌
 █ /usr/share/doc/cgiirc/examples/cgiirc.config                               ▐▌
 █ /usr/share/doc/cgiirc/examples/cgiirc.config.full.gz                       ▐▌
 █ /usr/share/doc/cgiirc                                                      ▐▌
 █ /usr/share/images/cgiirc                                                   ▐▌
 █ /var/cache/apt/archives/cgiirc_0.5.9-3_i386.deb                            ▐▌
 █ /var/lib/dpkg/info/cgiirc.list                                             ▐▌
 █ /var/lib/dpkg/info/cgiirc.md5sums                                          ▐▌
 █ /var/lib/dpkg/info/cgiirc.conffiles                                        ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ //----------------------------------------------------------------------   ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ If you find mistakes, have suggestions, and or questions please post at    ▐▌
 █ mewbies forum HERE - thank you.                                            ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
 █ Last update on 23 July '09                                                 ▐▌
 █                                                                            ▐▌
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