This file is created by and linked to: This is a sample list for Filters of each filter using the text: Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. b1ff NOW IZ THE TIME 4 AL G00D MEN 2 CUM 2 THE A1D UV THURE COUNTRY! censor Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. chef Noo is zee teeme-a fur ell guud mee tu cume-a tu zee eeed ooff zeeeer cuoontry. Bork Bork Bork! cockney Now is the bloody toime for all good men to come to the aid of veir country. eleet n0w 15 th3 t1m3 f0r 4ll g00d m3n t0 c0m3 t0 th3 41d 0f th31r c0untry. fanboy *read help file fudd Now is de time fow aww good men to come to de aid of deiw countwy. jethro Ner is duh time fer all good men tuh come tuh duh aid uv their country. jibberish n0w 15 d3 bl00dy t01m3 f0r 4ll g00d m3n t0 k0m3 t0 d3 41d 0f f31r k0untry. f14gr4. y3 d4wg135!!! Honest guv! Sieg Heil! d15 15 4h 0n3 t1m3 3m41l. 1f y0u d1d n0t 0pt 1n f0r d353 m41l5 pl3453 vr1t3 b4ck v1d 4h 5ubj3ct 0f r-r-r3m0f3. y3 d4wg135!! jive Now is de time fo' all baaaad dudes t'come t'de aid uh deir country. What it is, Mama! ken Now is the time for all good men ter come ter the aid of their country. kenny Pppppffpp mfffmm fmpmfpmpp fmpmffppmmpp mpfppfpff mmmpmfpmf mfmppfppfmpm ppmmppppp fmpppf mmfppfppmmpp fmpppf fmpmfpmpp mmmmffmpm ppfmpf fmpmfpmppmf fpff mmfppffmfpppfmppffffm. kraut Now is ze time for all good men to kome to ze aid uff deir kountry. ky00te Now yssa tyme fur all good meown ta come ta the ayd of theyrr countrry. nethackify \ow is t?e tin? f?r al| good r?? to ccm? t? the ai| of their c?untry. newspeak Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Hail Big Brother! nyc Now is de time fawh all good men tuh come tuh de aid uhv deir country. Okay? pig Ownay isway ethay imetay orfay allway oodgay enmay otay omecay otay ethay aidway ofway eirthay ountrycay. pirate Now be th' time fer all good men t' come t' th' aid o' their countrrrry. rasterman now is the time for all godo mne to come to the aid of their country... scottish Now be tha time fer all good m'n ta come ta tha aid o' thar country. spammer DEAR FRIEND, NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THEIR COUNTRY. LIMITED TIME OFFER! This is a 1 time offer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To receive no further notices on these mails write back with a subject of "remove"! {%RAND%} studly NoW is the timE foR alL goOd mEn tO coMe tO thE aiD of theIr cOuntRy. uniencode ??w ?? t?? t??? f?r ??? g??? ??? t? ???? t? t?? ??? ?f t???r ????tr?. upside-down 'hjfuno) j!ayf jo p!e ayf of awo) of uaw poo6 77e joj aw!f ayf s! mou