__ /\ \ __ ___ ___ __ __ __ __\ \ \____/\_\ __ ____ /' __` __`\ /'__`\/\ \/\ \/\ \\ \ '__`\/\ \ /'__`\ /',__\ /\ \/\ \/\ \/\ __/\ \ \_/ \_/ \\ \ \L\ \ \ \/\ __//\__, `\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____\\ \___x___/' \ \_,__/\ \_\ \____\/\____/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/____/ \/__//__/ \/___/ \/_/\/____/\/___/ DESCRIPTION: color_scripts.tar.gz 06 June 2013 http://mewbies.com for http://mewbies.com/acute_terminal_fun_08_get_colorized_on_the_terminal.htm#color_scripts Enclosed is a collection of fourty-five color scripts by various authors to demonstrate your terminal's colors' capabilities. You run the script, it outputs the colors in the style stated within the script/program, that's it. USAGE: tar xvfz color_scripts.tar.gz && cd color_scripts && chmod 755 * && ls The files in 'color_scripts' output with color console codes. The files in 'patterns' output with patterns only. Then run the script: ./scriptname colortest.sh run with -w to fit window better: ./colortest.sh -w LOCATION I FOUND EACH SCRIPT: 'color_scripts' : https://gist.github.com/hSATAC/1095100 : 256color.pl (v 1.2 2002 perl required) https://github.com/alvatar/code-ttrs/tree/master/perl : 256colors2.pl (v1.1 1999 perl required) https://github.com/dgquintas/my-code-samples/tree/master/shell : ansicolors.sh <- blinking http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x329.html : colors.sh colors2.sh (I modified text to blocks) https://github.com/lanej/dotfiles/tree/master/util : colortable16.sh http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1349 : colortest.sh -w (xterm-256-color) https://bitbucket.org/jasonwryan/workstation/src/b23fce1198d3/scripts : colours.sh colortheme.sh colortheme2.sh (I modified to larger color blocks) http://mewbies.com/how_to_customize_your_console_login_message_tutorial.htm : mewbies_colors.sh 'patterns' : https://github.com/vosh/scripts : ansidna.sh ansirallyx.sh ansiskull.sh (only blue) ansislendy.sh https://github.com/Vayn/git-dotfile/tree/master/scripts/bash/ansicolor : ansibar.sh ansiblocks.sh ansicolor.sh ansidarthvader.sh ansijangofett.sh ansiline.sh ansipacman.sh ansirobot.sh ansislot.sh ansistarwar.sh ansiswirl.sh ansitank.sh ansitie.sh ansitie2.sh ansitux.sh http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/13645/ansi-colorschemes-scripts/ : ansia.sh ansiblocks2.sh ansiboom.sh ansicolorwheel.sh ansicougar.sh ansidots.sh ansighosts.sh ansiguns.sh ansihash.sh ansihash2.sh ansihashsmall.sh ansimouse.sh ansithebat.sh (only yellow) ansithevdude.sh ansitemplate.sh : I made using pfh's script. Paste in design with correct color codes after 'cat << EOF' and before 'EOF'. 'mewbies' ASCII art top of file created using figlet 'larry 3d'. http://www.figlet.org