Aview: "This has been historically the first program developed for AA-Lib. In fact it is even older than AA-Lib itself and AA-Lib was later seperated from Aview sources. It was programmed to convert Linux Texas group penguin logo to ascii art. It has become powerful image browser soon. It is extremly useful in combination of lynx-the best web browser. Aview has some extended features (including text mode of course) most notably: possibility to save various text formats including HTML, ANSI terminal escape sequences, Netscapized HTML, pure text file, UNIX more/less format printing to HP-Laser Jet and many others. Another useful feature are fast image scaling routines that automatically scale image to your favorite text resolutions; also controls for all AA-Lib features are available (including contrast, brightness, gamma correction, dithering modes, inversion, font selection, random dithering value." http://bb.sourcearchive.com/documentation/1.3rc1-7/textform_8c-source.html